Link Library: CFFnGCD: Game Trainers
This is one of the many Universal Game Trainers. You can search for
a memory location and set it to a new value. This one will often find
ones that the others won't, and miss ones that the others will get. This
is the one that works best in Win98. The others don't like big games
in Win98 for some reason.
This is a game trainer designed to work with Win95/98/ME as well as
NT/2000. This is my personal favorite, and the fastest searcher of
the trainers included here. This is the best of the three if you have
Win95 or want to search on relatively small games.
Cheat 'Omatic
Download at:
Cheat O'Matic is what got me started on game trainers. It is the simplest
of all of the ones included, doesn't let you save addresses btwn times, and
takes a relatively long time to search, but it will work with just about anything,
except that it has the same Win98 large file bug that GenTrain does.
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